As part of the Tallinn Old Town Days, the Health Museum invites you to discover the inside of the human body and refresh your knowledge of the history of medicine. In the first half of the "Public Autopsy" science theater, we recall what was thought of anatomy before our time, and in the second half, we use the full-size teaching doll Markus and plastinads from the museum collection. Let's find out what the internal organs look like, what they do and what they are needed for. With a touch of humor, exciting stories and new knowledge - this is a public autopsy. The spectacle takes place in the cozy circular auditorium on the fourth floor. Science theater is suitable for ages 14+.

Eelregistreerumine ja piletid üritusele Fientast. Kohtade arv on piiratud. Ürituse piletiga saad samal päeval ka Tervisemuuseumi püsinäitusel “Avameelselt Sinu kehast” ja aastanäitusel “Uneversum” iseseisvalt ringi vaadata. Muuseum on avatud kell 10-18.
Pilet: eelmüügist 10 eurot, samal päeval ja kohapeal 12 eurot.


Chief organizer Annely Pantalon

Project manager Kaire Siiner