Although medieval man is generally considered to be predominantly stationary, even then there were many areas of life where travel, even over long distances, is more of a routine. The lecture outlines various social groups (rulers, clergy, merchants, artisans, soldiers, etc.) and the reasons for their mobility. In addition to the mundane reconstruction of the circumstances related to travel, we also look at how travel influenced the perception of space, the worldview.
Loeng on osa Niguliste muuseumi näituse “Sinna ja tagasi. Liivimaalaste palverännud keskaegses Euroopas” (09.03.2024–08.09.2024) publikuprogrammist.
Entry with a museum ticket (14/9€). The ticket allows you to also look around the museum before the lecture.
Foto: Erhard Etzlaub (1462–1532), Das ist der Rom-Weg von meylen zu meylen mit puncten verzeychnet von eyner stat zu der andern durch deutzsche lantt, u 1500.
Chief organizer Annely Pantalon
Project manager Kaire Siiner